Monday, February 14, 2011

Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters trailer

I can't view this on my iPhone, so you'll probably see it before me, but here is a link to the first trailer for the Green Lantern videogame.


Looks pretty cool! Hopefully there will be lots of construct variation. Doesn't look like it will be amazing, but it definitely looks fun. If you're a fan of the comics (like me), then you'll be getting this regardless of whether its amazing or just okay.

"Warner and DC Entertainment have just released the first trailer for Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters.

According to Warner: "In the videogame players will utilise over a dozen constructs and take flight across the deepest parts of the Universe to restore intergalactic order by wielding the ultimate weapon: the Green Lantern power ring."

The action adventure title is scheduled for release on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and DS in conjunction with the big screen Green Lantern movie this summer."