Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Dark Knight Rises and Man of Steel rumourmill continues to churn

Apparently those rumours that MoS won have Lois Lane have already been proven false. LatinoReview have claimed that the female lead up for grabs is that of Kryptonian, Ursa. Synonymous with General Zod, the villainous Ursa has notably featured in SupermanII and a recent run of Action Comics.

Elsewhere, someone has gotten their wires crossed and claimed that Nolan's been scouting out locations for Robin's hideout in TDKR. I can't imagine Nolan introducing Robin, especially with a separate hideout, which leads me to think that the source is confused.
If Nolan were to introduce a Robin, however, I suppose setting him up as a kid who is already trying to fight crime when he meets Batman and Bruce deciding to train him so he doesn't get himself killed, makes more sense than Batman just putting a kid out on the streets.