Saturday, February 5, 2011

Batman Chess set [update]

Apparently the Batman chess set that I ordered wasn't the one pictured here, but in fact features the Bat-family VS the Justice League. Was I upset about this? Not at all. Was I annoyed that I only found out because I e-mailled to ask where it was? A bit.

Why Green Lantern was made a pawn, whereas Steel (!) manages to be a Knight, I have no idea. Personally, I would have stuck with Superman, Wonder Woman and the Flash as King, Queen and Bishop, but I would have made the Knights, Rooks and Pawns, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and Aquaman respectively.
I also would've had Huntress, the Cassandra Cain Batgirl or even Barbara Gordon as Oracle rather than Babs as Batgirl.

Anyway, it still looks really cool and I'm looking forward to it arriving next week.