Thursday, June 9, 2011

What will be DC's 52 titles? UPDATED: 52 & done!

DC Comics are rebooting in September with all new #1's and revamped continuity. DC have stated that there will be 52 number 1's launched in September and that every comic will be released both digitally and in print on the same day.

Here is the press release as seen in USA today:

Starting this summer, the publisher will re-number its entire DC Universe of titles, revamping characters such as Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and others from its 76-year history for a more modern and diverse 21st century.

The first book to be released under this new era: Justice League No. 1, out Aug. 31. The series by writer Geoff Johns and artist Jim Lee reunites the famous lineup of Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Wonder Woman and Aquaman.

Johns promises a focus on the interpersonal relationships within DC's trademark superteam. "What's the human aspect behind all these costumes? That's what I wanted to explore," he says.

In September, an additional 51 first issues will make their debut, introducing stories that are grounded in each character's specific legend but also reflect today's real-world themes and events. Lee spearheaded the costumes' redesign to make characters more identifiable and accessible to comic fans new and old.
"We really want to inject new life in our characters and line," says Dan DiDio, co-publisher of DC with Lee. "This was a chance to start, not at the beginning, but at a point where our characters are younger and the stories are being told for today's audience."

In an even more important move in the competitive comics industry, DC is making all of the re-numbered titles available digitally via apps and a DC website the same day they arrive in comic shops. It marks the first time that a major comics publisher has done so with its popular superhero titles.

The company has come in second to Marvel every year since 2002 in market share, according to Diamond Comic Distributors.

While the two companies are making millions off movie adaptations of their comic books, print sales for both have dropped in recent years, as new technology gives readers many more options.

"We're allowing people who have never bought a comic book in their lives to download them on portable media devices and take a look," Lee says.

"Having the ability to give people access to these comics with one button click means we're going to get a lot of new readers."

As excited as Dan DiDio is about DC Comics' newest initiative, the company's co-publisher knows he can walk the hallways of the DC Comics offices in Manhattan and pick up the same vibe from his co-workers.
"If we can convince the people here we're doing something brand-new and fresh, we have a good chance to really get the people outside on board," DiDio says.
DC will re-number its entire line of superhero titles, beginning with all-new No. 1 issues starting Aug. 31 — 52 in all, including a new Justice League No. 1. Fittingly, the publisher put its creative superteam on its trademark superhero superteam.

Guided by writer Geoff Johns and artist Jim Lee, Justice League will begin its first year with an updated secret origin reflecting DC's new initiative, giving the group a reason for coming together that it lacked when the league first appeared in 1960. And while it will ultimately boast 14 members, at its core will be DC's A-list do-gooders: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern and Aquaman.

"The approach is very much about who they are behind the masks and how they interact together and how these personalities mix," explains Johns, DC Entertainment's chief creative officer. "With the world's greatest superheroes, how does that team actually work? Do they all get along? Being able to pull together and see how that relationship is forged and continues to grow has to be at the heart of that book."

For Lee, working on a team book is a different experience than a Superman or Batman, both of which he illustrated in recent years.
"When you have a Green Lantern mixing with a foil like Batman, you get scenes that are comic-book history. There's the epicness of it all. You're dealing with iconic characters and you want to give them all equal grandeur and weight."

In the rollout of the revamped DC Universe, some titles will return, a lot of titles won't, and DC will have a wider range of books starting in September, DiDio says. In addition, three-quarters of the creative teams will be shuffled around — series that are successful and writer/artist combinations that work well together won't be tweaked too much, he says.

"We've got a new set of creators coming in with new voices in the DC Universe," DiDio says. "We really want to bring a new energy and excitement to our books."

The characters also are getting a makeover. While most of the specifics are still top secret, Lee says he worked with both staff and freelance artists to redesign costumes in a contemporary way as well as alter the physicality of many heroes and villains to modernize the DC Universe.

"You're trying to have your cake and eat it, too," Lee says. "You're trying to keep the iconic elements there, but at the same time freshen up the look so that people are intrigued by what they're seeing and hopefully come and sample the wares."

The recent emphasis on diverse characters such as lesbian superheroine Batwoman, Hispanic hero Blue Beetle and African-American adventurer Cyborg (who will be a core member of Johns and Lee's new Justice League) also will continue.

"He's a character I really see as the modern-day, 21st-century superhero," Johns says of Cyborg. "He represents all of us in a lot of ways. If we have a cellphone and we're texting on it, we are a cyborg — that's what a cyborg is, using technology as an extension of ourselves."

There will also be a lot of diversity in the products as well, DiDio promises. "It's not just about straight superhero characters and stories. We're going to use war comics, we have stories set in mystery and horror, we've got Westerns."

While Lee allows that this kind of wholesale change is risky for DC, it's far more perilous to play it safe and not periodically examine these characters and how they relate to the readership.

"It's part of our jobs to make sure that these characters stay dynamic and relevant," Lee says. "And that's what drove us on a creative level to make these kinds of changes."

DC: The Source promise more reveals and information in the coming months, but not everything will be spoiled before September:
If you know us, you know we both hate secrets. In fact, you might’ve seen one (or both) of us have a grin or two on a convention panel recently. Why? Because it’s hard to keep a secret as big as the news we shared yesterday.
DC Comics will be making history this September. We’ll be renumbering the entire DC Universe line of comic books with 52 first issues. We’re publishing innovative storylines featuring our most iconic characters helmed by some of the most creative minds within the industry.
Not only will this initiative be compelling for existing readers, it’ll give new readers a precise entry point into our titles. And on top of that, all of these titles will be released digital day-and-date across the board.
Yesterday was just the beginning. After all, we don’t want to spoil the many surprises we have up our sleeves. It’s so important to us to make sure you maintain those feelings of excitement and unexpectedness when you pick up a new issue of our books.
We’re energized and looking forward to have you come on this journey with us as we make history this September.
–Jim Lee & Dan DiDio, DC Comics Co-Publishers

Big changes indeed. I still haven't made my mind up if I think it is a good move or not. Certainly for Superman and Wonder Woman, a reboot is welcome, but Green Lantern, Birds of Prey and most of the Batman line are really strong at the moment.
Below, in capitals, are the ongoing titles so sale in August. Titles in italics are the changes that I think will be made and the additional titles that will bring us to a total of 52. Where I have written 'cancelled?' indicates titles that I think might go due to the shake up, but don't think that they will be directly replaced.
I will update this post as titles are announced. I will leave my original guesses untouched so that comparisions can be made. Bold & green=confirmed.

1. ADVENTURE COMICS replaced with Legion Lost

7. SUPERMAN/BATMAN cancelled?
10. BATMAN AND ROBIN renamed Nightwing
11. RED ROBIN renamed Robin
12. BATGIRL cancelled?
13. BATMAN INCORPORATED replaced with Batwoman
Batman Inc will return in 2012 as a 12 issue maxi-series called Batman: Leviathan
15. GOTHAM CITY SIRENS cancelled? replaced with Catwoman
I think that the Bat-clan will be stripped down to be as simple as possible. Bruce is Batman, Dick is Nightwing, Jason is the dead Robin, Tim is Robin and Kate as Batwoman. Batman Inc and Damian are too steeped in backstory. They'll either be heavily modified or cut.
19. GREEN LANTERN: EMERALD WARRIORS replaced with Green Lantern: New Guardians

As much as I like Kyle, I worry that he'll be cut from the DCU. I think that we could actually be cut down to two Green Lanterns: Hal and John.

JUSTICE LEAGUE International
22. TITANS cancelled?
23. TEEN TITANS renamed Young Justice
25. SECRET SIX as Suicide Squad
31. POWER GIRL cancelled?
33. JONAH HEX as All-Star Western
36. Aquaman
37. Martian Manhunter
38. Wondergirl
39. Blue Beetle
40. The Flash
41. Hawkman
42. Doom Patrol
43. Sgt. Rock
and the Men of War
44. Red Circle
45. Static Shock
46. Outsiders
47. Arsenal
48. Firestorm
49. Challengers of the Unknown as
Justice League Dark
50. Red Lantern Corps
51. Swamp Thing
52. Hellblazer
Mr Terrific
DC Presents
Captain Atom

Red Hood and the Outlaws
Animal Man
Demon Knights

Frankenstein, Agent of Shade
Resurrection Man
Hawk and Dove

Special update for 9th June:
52 and DONE!
Superman titles will be officially announced tomorrow, but I've seen unofficial confirmation of Superboy, Supergirl, Superman and Action Comics. So that is, as they say, that. I've also heard that Batman Beyond will continue.
Looking at my original predictions, I don't think that I did too badly. Remember bold&green=confirmed.

What do you think of the final line up?