Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fabian Nicieza on the end of Red Robin

Fabian has been a great creator, who took the time out to talk to fans on the DC Comics message boards. Today, he had this to say about the changes to DC Comics:

Now that the info is officially out from DC, I can say two things:

1) I am incredibly disappointed that my run on RED ROBIN is over. Tim Drake is one of my favorite characters in comics and getting to write him (again) was a real pleasure for me, as was working with artists as talented (and professional!) as Marcus and Ray each and every month. I've watched Marcus grow from a good artist to a GREAT artist and I can't wait for the chance to work with him again!
The editors I've worked with on the title, Mike, Janelle, Sean and now Rachel & Rickey, have been consistently supportive of everything I wanted to do and always smart about how to make things better.

I wish Tim well in the future. I know how excited Scott is to write Teen Titans and I expoect that'll be reflected in the new title. Besides, Scoot and I go way back and he knows that if I'm not happy with what he does with Tim, I'll fly out to L.A. on a moment's notice and kick his ass in. Which I can do while my hands are busy working on a Legion Lost script...

2) As for my new assignment, well, I was fully prepared to say, "No Thanks" to any offer DC made once they told me Red Robin was ending its run. Comics are just a very small part of a very large workload for me now (the kids sports-themed virtual world I've been working on for 3 years launches a free preview next week! TV commercials and everything! --- check it out starting June 15th!).
I have to be emotionally engaged to whatever I write. Comics writing has to be a pleasure for me, not necessarily "commerce."
So, I was ready to say "no" and they said... Wildfire? Dawnstar? Timber Wolf? Trapped in the present? You tell us why....

So far this is the biggest disappointment of the whole affair, not only have they cancelled the best book and split the best creative team, but it looks like they are going to ignore all the good work that they did on the book as well.