Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Arkham City's Tim Drake Robin concept

"We wanted to create a Robin that players would identify as a contemporary character and move away from the traditional “Boy Wonder” image that most people know. Our vision of Robin is the one of a troubled young individual that is calm and introverted at times but very dangerous and aggressive if provoked. The shaved head is inspired by cage fighters, because we thought that Robin might be doing that in his spare time to keep him on his toes. Still, we kept all the classic trademarks of Robin’s appearance, such as the red and yellow colors of his outfit, the cape and the mask.
We really hope that people will discover our Robin as one of their new favorite characters in the Batman universe. He is back and he means business." KAN MUTFIC, JULY 2011
Source: Batman: Arkham City Community

For some reason I can't respond to my comments, so here is my reply to the question below:
Generally I'm happy with it. If I were to nitpick though; I don't like the cape, I'd want a floor length cape for Tim Drake. The exposed thumbs provides a massive security risk (thumbprints). I'm not a big fan of the hood either. The reasoning behind a buzz cut is nulified by a hood. Enemies can't pull his hair, but they can easily grab a hood.

This is a page from Robin 22 (so Tim would be about 13/14). In the story he goes undercover to join a 'summer camp' that is training 'ninjas'. It's basically a recruiting ground for thieves. The leader is a grown man who beats the kids up during the training sessions; a bully. Tim, usually level headed and calm, sees red and kicks his arse.
Compare this with Rocksteady's description:
"calm and introverted at times but very dangerous and aggressive if provoked."

Sounds like Tim Drake to me. If you are one of many for whom the cage-fighting doesn't sit well, just pretend that, like in this story, Tim is undercover in order to break up illegal activity.
I just hope that we see his intelligence reflected in the gadgets that he can use in Predator challenges (perhaps even a timed detective element to one of his exclusive maps?).
As I said, though, I think that generally it looks pretty good.