Sunday, March 27, 2011

Green Lantern actors talk special effects

Not much info here, but a couple of lines about the upcoming movie. Empire obviously asked Mark Strong if he'd seen a rough cut yet. It's things like this that made me stop reading Empire - of course he hasn't! He's an actor and it's three months away. That's another month or so to finalise effect shots, firm up a rough cut and screen test leading another month to do the final edit and record the score before the printing and distribution process begins.
Anyway, looking forward to the movie. Very pleased to have War of the Green Lanterns to tide me over until June.

With only three months before Green Lantern is scheduled to debut in theaters, long-time fans of the DC Comics character are anxious to see footage featuring the finalized effects for the film. The first trailer, which premiered last November, was met with mixed reactions; and there is currently no official date as the release of the second trailer or even theatrical posters. Ryan Reynolds -- who recently was named the 2011 CinemaCon Star of the Year -- briefly commented about his role in a project with such heavy-handed computer generated imagery to
"On a movie that's coming out on a size and scale like this, you realize how insignificant the actor is. I'm an important cog in a very large machine

"I was on a greenscreen stage with a hundred other crew members...and it's those people whose efforts created what will later be known as the film."
Mark Strong plays the alien hero Sinestro in the film, and acts as a mentor to Reynolds' Hal Jordan. Though he tells Empire Magazine he hasn't seen a full cut of Green Lantern yet, he has high hopes for the final product:
“I haven’t seen it yet, but I’ve seen the artwork and if they can get that right, it’ll be astonishing. It's very similar [to his other CG heavy film John Carter Of Mars] in sense that they’re like trying to make a jigsaw puzzle with two thirds of the pieces missing because so much of it is CGI. As Andrew Stanton says, ‘I’m not in post, I’m in principle digital photography.'
"On Green Lantern two thirds is on Earth and a third is in space. All my stuff is in space, so all my scenes were in a big green room."
Green Lantern, directed by Martin Campbell, stars Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Mark Strong, Peter Sarsgaard, Tim Robbins and Angela Bassett. The film is scheduled to hit 2D and 3D theaters June 17th, 2011.

Source: DailyBlam