Friday, March 18, 2011

Flash v5(?) draws to an end

Since Wally West's The Flash series ended following Infinite Crisis, the DC Comics have been messing the title around a bit. Bart Allen held the title before his 'death' in issue 12. The series was then rebooted again with Wally as Flash, picking up the numbering from where it left off. Then that ended to make way for Flash Rebirth. Now Barry Allen's Flash title is ending and I have to ask why? Why can't DC sustain a Flash title? It's not due to a lack of stories, it's not because people don't like the characters, so why mess around?

Anyway, hopefully it will just pick back up once Flashpoint is over.
Here is the announcement:
DC Comics announced this morning that The Flash will end with May ‘s Issue 12, a result of its upcoming Flashpoint crossover. Curiously, a 13th issue is solicited for June.

Debuting in April 2010 on the heels of The Flash: Rebirth, the relaunched title teamed writer Geoff Johns with artist Francis Manapul, re-established Barry Allen as the Fastest Man Alive and built toward Flashpoint. So perhaps it was inevitable that the series would end as DC’s big Flash-centric event gears up.

The solicitation text gives little clue as to what to expect from the finale — other than it’s probably not good for Barry: “‘The Road to Flashpoint’ concludes as everything Barry Allen knows and cares about is lost. What is the Flashpoint? Find out in the upcoming Flashpoint #1!”

The Flash #12 arrives in stores on May 11, the same day as Flashpoint #1.

Expect more details to emerge this weekend from Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo.
Source: CBR