Monday, May 23, 2011

The Dark Knight Rises heads to Glasgow

It looks like Nolan is trying to flesh his Gotham out even further, thankfully taking the European influence on the city that is so often prevelant in the Gotham City of the DCU.
"Caped crusader to film in Glasgow
Glasgow is to be transformed into Gotham City in the latest Batman film sequel.
Dark Knight Rises, which sees Christian Bale return as the caped crusader, will be filmed in the city, with Anne Hathaway and Michael Caine among the cast.
Director Christopher Nolan will use shots filmed around Glasgow in some of exterior scenes in the final instalment of his Batman trilogy.
Shooting has already begun in London and Croydon and will head north for several scenes early next month.
Nolan, who previously used Chicago to depict Gotham, wanted to use several different locations to create a Gotham nobody would recognise. A source revealed: "He plans to use various cities to provide a mash-up of what Gotham will look like.
"Glasgow was location-scouted for the last film Dark Knight, though in the end it wasn't used. This time, Chris already has several scenes in mind.
"The city centre architecture is hugely impressive. But he will be filming in secret.
"That said, if you see a man in body armour driving a big Batmobile down Sauchiehall Street, it's Batman.""
Source: The Daily Record